Sunday, October 6, 2019

Qualitative Evaluation Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Qualitative Evaluation Plan - Assignment Example The first factor that must be addressed is how much progress the patients who participated in the initiative have made. An analysis of the effectiveness of a community health worker intervention among African American and Latino adults with Type 2 diabetes was done in a controlled trial by Spencer, Rosaland, Kieffer, Sinco, Valerio, Palmisano & †¦ Hessler which determined that â€Å"participants in the intervention group had a mean HbA1c value of 8.6% at baseline, which improved to a value of 7.8% at six months, for an adjusted change of -0.8 percentage points† (2011). Through their particular study, they were able to see a noticeable change in the ability of those who participated in the initiative to be able to manage their diabetes more effectively. The next factor to consider in evaluating the effectiveness of a community outreach program for diabetes care in the community is the method used to collect data. Bielamowicz, Pope and Rice attempted a different form of community outreach program for those with Type 2 diabetes, which involved teaching the use of healthy cooking practices as related to controlling diabetes. They utilized an online data collection method to track their progress. Data collection was done prior to the start of the initiative, after the third lesson, and after the final, fourth lesson (2012). By using this method of data gathering, they were able to gain a more accurate image and portrayal of what was working and what was not, as well as the amount of progress made at each step. This form of data collection also allowed them to have a concrete set of data as the starting point to go off of. Another important factor to consider when evaluating the effectiveness of diabetes care in a particular community is the socioeconomic status of the community. Those in lower income communities are not as likely to have access to the same types of outreach programs that a traditional middle class

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