Friday, October 4, 2019

Histology Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Histology - Case Study Example This patient had shoulder pains and later was diagnosed with carcinoma of scapula and spine. It was found that the metastasis was from the lung. Identification of Metastatic tissues: The Fourier transform-infrared statistical models are able to identify the changes in structure of DNA at different levels of development of tumors. The DNA structures that are connected to the development of metastasis are usually foreordained in the progenitor cells much earlier in several steps of tumorigenesis. Biopsy and immunoglobulin methods used to diagnose cancer. People having metastasis in lungs may not show symptoms early but through medical examination and with using imaging techniques can be used to diagnose primary cancer that lead to the diagnosis of pulmonary metastasis. In case of slow developing primary tumor, metastasis can be noticed much early at the initial stages of the disease. The spread is usually through blood, lymphatic vessels or both. Identified cells in sample of lung tissue and their characteristics: The affected cells in the lung tissues are like the goblet cell, epithelial cells basal cells etc. The epithelia cells have a define shape. The following are the characteristics of the epithelia cells i.e. they can be polygonal or cuboidal or rectangular. Few are irregular. They are compactly arranged on a tiny membrane. They usually lack intercellular spaces. They have a lot of cytoplasm. They are uninucleate. They can undergo mitotic divisions. Goblet cells have the following characteristics i.e. they are cup shaped and produce mucous fluid composed of a protein called mucin that is bonded with an electrolyte solution. Identifying cells responsible for the tumor: Melanoma pigment is found on these epithelia cells once they are metastasized. Melanoma can be described as a cancer of cells that produce pigments and are found on the mucous membranes. Their presence is an indication cancer and should therefore

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