Sunday, June 9, 2019

Smart phones Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Smart phones - Research Paper ExampleAlso, the process was slow and, in particular, the previous steering of reading systems where most organizations had fewer computers used to retrieve and store information. In addition, the process of communion information prior to the advent of smartphones was challenging because workers had to take notes from their seniors who sometimes are fast or not audible. However, smartphones bring flexibility and efficiency at the workplace that can help the organization to improve the speed of sharing information and ensuring projects are completed on time (Baltzan, Detlor, & Welsh, 2012). This paper examines how smartphones help to enhance the management of information systems.The widespread use of smartphones in the office environs as a medium for accessing, sharing and using information is influenced by the need to hasten the communication of vital information between employees in an organization. In a globalized business environment, employees re quire access to more resources, and this includes vital information that can help them to improve their efficiency and overall performance of the organization. Smartphones are not only portable but also has vital signs that can improve the sharing of information between employees in the workplace environment. Such key feature include, for example, voice calling, text, emailing and video conference that has become an outstanding platform where the top management in different geographical location can relay important information to junior staff in other regions across the world. For example, the top management can utilize smartphones for video conferencing since they can communicate important information to workers who are million miles away in real time (Carayannis & Clark, 2011).Further, smartphones also have several software applications that are relevant for sharing vital informational

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