Friday, May 31, 2019
A & P - John Updike :: essays research papers
A & P takes place in a community inland that is sandy, yet arise the coast. It starts out in the supermarket in which three girls in bathing suits walk in. One of these girls catches the eye of Sammy, which is working at the supermarket, Queenie. The whizz that caught my eye first was the one in the plaid green two-piece. She was a chunky kid, with a good tan and a sweet broad soft-looking can with those two crescents of white scantily under it, where the sun never seems to hit, at the top of the backs of her legs. Sammy sees these girls and wants to be like them, free in a sense. As time goes on the girls finally micturate what they wanted and decided to check-out. They make there way to Sammys register where there comes Sammys manager, Lengel, to complain to the girls about their dress attire.     Sammys feelings for Queenie changes when he hears her give tongue to. Her voice is expression and he has built this romantic image of her in his mind. Hearin g her voice and realizing she is a normal person, (that happens to be wealthy) slightly changes his feelings for her. It brings him back to reality a little. Her voice kind of startled me, the way voices do when you see the people first, coming out so flat and dumb yet kind of tony, too, the way it ticked everywhere "pick up" and "snacks." All of a sudden I slid right down her voice into her living room. Sammy feels as if he has no chance to complicate observationd by her unless he does something out of the ordinary. So after she is done arguing with Lengel, Sammy decides to stand up for her and quit his job in hopes that she will notice him.The girls, and whod blame them, are in a hurry to get out, so I say "I quit" to Lengel quick enough for them to hear, hoping theyll stop and control me, their unsuspected hero. They keep right on going, into the electric eye the door flies open and they flicker across the lot to their car, Queenie and Plaid and Big t all Goony-Goony (not that as raw material she was so bad), leaving me with Lengel and a kink in his eyebrow.As this is happening Sammy starts to see the stupidity of what he just did, entirely still quits since he already stated it he might as well do it.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Mark Twains The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn :: Mark Twain Adventures Huck Finn Essays
Mark Twains The Adventures Of huckabackleberry Finn Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a novel ab extinct ayoung sons coming of age in the Missouri of the mid-1800s. The maincharacter, Huckleberry Finn, spends much time in the novel floating downthe Mississippi River on a raft with a runaway slave named Jim. Before hedoes so, however, Huck spends some time in the fictional townsfolk of St.Petersburg where a number of pile attempt to influence him.Before the novel begins, Huck Finn has led a life of absolutefreedom. His drunken and often missing father has never gainful muchattention to him his mother is dead and so, when the novel begins, Huck isnot used to following any rules. The books opening finds Huck sustenance withthe Widow Douglas and her sister, Miss Watson. Both women are fairly oldand are really sensibly incapable of raising a rebellious boy care HuckFinn. Nevertheless, they attempt to make Huck into what they believe willbe a better boy. Specifically , they attempt, as Huck says, to sivilize him.This process includes making Huck go to school, teaching him variousreligious facts, and making him act in a way that the women find sociallyacceptable. Huck, who has never had to follow many rules in his life, findsthe demands the women channelize upon him constraining and the life with themlonely. As a result, soon after he first moves in with them, he runs away. Hesoon comes back, but, even though he becomes somewhat comfortablewith his new life as the months go by, Huck never really enjoys the life ofmanners, religion, and education that the Widow and her sister imposeupon him.Huck believes he will find some freedom with Tom Sawyer. Tom is a boy ofHucks age who promises Huck and other boys of the town a life ofadventure. Huck is eager to join Tom Sawyers Gang because he feels thatdoing so will allow him to escape the somewhat boring life he leads withthe Widow Douglas. Unfortunately, such an escape does not occur. TomSawyer promises muchrobbing stages, murdering and ransomingpeople, kidnaping beautiful womenbut none of this comes to pass. Huckfinds out too late that Toms adventures are imaginary that raiding acaravan of A-rabs really means terrorizing young children on a sunlightschool picnic, that stolen joolry is nothing more than turnips or rocks.Huck is disappointed that the adventures Tom promises are not real andso, along with the other members, he resigns from the gang.Another mortal who tries to get
a prayer fo owen meany :: essays research papers
A Critique of A Prayer For Owen MeanyIn the novel written by John Irving, A Prayer For Owen Meany, the protagonist, Owen Meany, developed an unaccustomed religious significance. Owen see visions of future veritable(a)ts, he had a unique type of faith in God that is unusual of about people, and he speaks endlessly to predicate people about God. Throughout Owens life he demonstrated the same characteristics as a prophet through his actions and his words.Similar to a prophet, Owen was inclined precognitive powers that allowed him to see into the future. Owens first prophecy came to him on New Years Eve in 1953 during the community production of A Christmas Carol. The most obvious inference concerning the play was that Owen played the part of the ghost of Christmas yet to come. Owen had dehumanized this character to the point that children were leaving the theater crying and some were even wetting their pants. Both of them were told their futures, however Scrooge made and effort t o change his, where as Owen did not. Owens revelation came through a vision he experienced during the graveyard scene of the play. He immediately fainted following the vision. The curtains went down, and members of the production all ran to help Owen. Owen believed he had seen his name on a gravestone along with the naming of his death and no one could convince him otherwise. The fact that he was correct about the date of his death confirmed that he had visions and confirmed his qualities of being a prophet.A prophet uses his visions to not only prove they have powers, but also to benefit others. The second prophecy came to Owen in his dreams when he envisioned the debate and the expressive style Schaefer 2his life would end. Owen wrote his dream in his diary. No one realized how detailed and precise it really was until they read it for themselves. Owen stated in his diary, The way they look at me, I know two things. I know I saved them-I dont know how. And I know that theyre a fraid for me. The entries in his diary revealed that he died saving Vietnamese children. God died for others too this is why he is considered a true hero. (Sebsteph 1) A prophet uses their prophecies to benefit the world or allow people to learn from their visions and this is a prime example of this.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Black Men and Public Space in America Essays -- Jim Crow Segregation
Black Men and Public Space An Agent of ChangeAfrican-American custody and white men are born and raised within the continental U.S. each of their own faculty empowered to change the social injustice of a society. The innate qualities of the African American do not compare to those of the white man, yet - empowered they are with character. The foundation for the concept character is best defined as holistic, subject matter of physical, mental and social qualities A. Adlers school of thought, as well as A. Maslow and C. Rogers thoughts an equal human being cognitive, emotional, and volitional (Ambrus, 33 -34)Jennifer Ritterhouse, author of Growing Up Jim Crow How Black and White Southern Children Learned Race, explains that childrearing practices by caregivers resulted in the facilitation of race discrimination and it included racial self-consciousness and the etiquette of racial interactions. These two facets, Ritterhouse says, gave understanding to their own sit and identity with in a white supremacist society through exchanges among peers, they were reinforced. (para 7) Furthermore, they are not instinctive she ascertains socialization as unwritten rules governing all instances of interracial interaction. This setting dates from the 1980s. Having limpidity on a realm of discrimination, we can then imagine the migration of racism stretching from the South to vast regions of the U.S. In the United States, opportunities for the cultural growth of African American men have been absent, because social discrimination continues to exist. In 2005, the phrase No Child Left Behind (NCLB), coined by Kathy Emery, reverberated throughout the United States. It was a resource for the education system ... ...Nelson, Claire Nee. Growing Up Jim Grow How Black and White Southern Children Learned Race. Georgia Historical Quarterly. 2007. University of Maryland University College. America History & Life. 4 Jul 2008.Simons, Jeffrey. Expository Writing. Course home page. Jun. 2 008-August 2008. Dept. of English, University of Maryland University College 15 Jul 2008. http//, Brent. Black Men and Public Space. The Norton Reader. Ed. Linda H. Peterson and John C. Brereton. Shorter 11th ed. New York W.W. Norton & Company, 2004. 231-32.Wallace, Maurice O. Constructing the Black Masculine identity element and Ideality in African American Mens Literature and Culture, 1775-1995. Academic Journal. 200390.America History & Life. University of Maryland University College Library. 4 Jul 2008.
Broken Glass Essay -- Essays Papers
Broken Glass The Glass Menagerie refers to the fragile worldof dreams, and illusion. Within the play Williams uses characters who character solitary struggles in an emotionally,physically, and financially starved surrounding. Duringthe course of the play, a glass unicorn gets broken, symbolizing the fragile nature of a dream world. Its more than coincidental that the plays surname refers to the collection of glass animals that belongs to Laura. The title of the play gives symbolism to the lives of Tom, Laura, and Amanda. To find relief from his boring, tedious and stressful life along with his mothers constant naggingabuse, Tom goes to movies nobody goes to the movies nightafter night (1874) and dreams about future adventures for himself. To...
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
What Is Religion Essay -- essays research papers
What Is religion     What is religion? According to an Oxford dictionary, religion is thebelief in the existence of a supernatural view power, the creator andcontroller of the universe, who has given to man a spirtual nature whichcontinues to exist after the death of the body. Religion appears to be a simpleidea on the surface, but in reality it is a very complex system of ideas thatmany base their lives upon.     There are many religions in the world. Christianity seems to be the hotshotreligion believed widely in the modern world. However, this is non the case ina group of five people in a World Religion class. These five people sharecommon knowledge on several aspects of religion, yet they gull some majorconflicts. The focus of this paper is to explore the ideas and beliefs of thegroup, tail assemblyvas the importance of religions dialogue, and to discuss thechallenge of religious pluralism in the contemporary world.   &n bsp The first group member states her firm Christian views. Melissarecognizes all the religions of the world, but she holds Christanity to be theonly true religion. To her, Christianity is the only way angiotensin converting enzyme person can securesalvation. All other religions are false and those who do not respectChristanity are misguided and will not attain salvation. It is only throughJesus Christs death on the cross that one can repent, be forgiven, and attainsalvation.     Melissa feels that others who are non-Christians believe that theirreligion is true. Afterall everyone is brought up to believe in the faith orreligion they are taught. If this was not the case, no one would have anybeliefs. Although their religions are not true religions Melissa respects theirviews of being true.     Quite similar to Melissas opinion, Jason feels that there is only onetrue religion in the world, which is Christianity. However, he recognizes th atthere are many other religions in the world in which their followers believe aretrue. He does not believe that one should criticize others for their beliefs,and that they should respect each persons beliefs even if they are differentfrom his.     For Jason, Christianity is the true religion. It is the only religionthat he believes Has the right answers for... ...eciallyif their views do not necessarily accede with someone elses views. We thinktrying to understand different religions takes compassion and understanding.Often, people fear the "unknown."      So, another way to meet the challenge of religious pluralism is througheducation. citizenry can learn about different religions and respect the diversitythat exists. Further, to help understand a different religion, our group thinksthat going to check out different religion services will give people personalexperience of that different faith. People do not have to feel they have to accommodate the other religion, but going to visit another service will broaden theirhorizons. We believe that if society can respect the religious diversity in theworld, the challenge of relgious pluralism can be met. W.C. Smith says it best,"Unless men can learn to understand and to be loyal to each other acrossreligious frontiers, unless we can build a world in which people profoundly ofdifferent faiths can live together and work together, then the prospects for ourplanets future are not bright" ("The Christian in a Religiously Plural World"11).
Monday, May 27, 2019
Effects of Drug Use during Pregnancy on Children Essay
Being big(predicate) means much than just carrying a boor in uteri for nine months. Pregnant women must watch what they put into their bodies be ca-ca it will directly affect the life of their unhatched child. Unborn children argon whole helpless to their mystifys actions and totally dependent on everything they do. All pregnant women need to be awargon of the consequences of using drugs during maternalism drugs such(prenominal) as, cocain, diacetylmorphine, cigarettes, methamphetamine, and marijuana. All drugs illegal or non could oblige critical and long lasting effects on children throughout their whole life.What are drugs? doses are chemicals that can make you change the federal progressncy the body works. Some drugs are worse than others but no matter which one intentd, during pregnancy all drugs have dreadful effects on the unhatched child. The drugs cocaine, heroin, tobacco/cigarettes, methamphetamines and marijuana can affect children in different ways howeve r, they all should be avoided during pregnancy. Mothers need to think about their unborn child and the unfavourable effects using drugs will have on them not only as infants but as young children and young adults as well.Cocaine is a strongly addictive stimulant that directly affects the judgement. Cocaine is one of the oldest drugs known to this day (Barbara L. Thompson, 2009). There is no safe amount of cocaine for a cleaning lady who is pregnant be endeavor any cocaine taken will transfer to the bollocks up as well (Drug Babies and the personal effects of Drug clapperclaw During Pregnancy, 2011). diacetylmorphinee is as well a exceedingly addictive drug and it is the most ab employ and fast acting of the opiate group. Heroine, processed from morphine, is derived from certain poppy plants. Heroin will cross over to the baby through the placenta and cause an unborn baby to be dependent on the drug. Tobacco/cigarettes are a non illicit drug and the most common drug used among pregnant woman. Tobacco products have been connect up to low birth burthen and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. field glasss are highly addictive substances with powerful central flighty system stimulant properties (Drug Babies and the make of Drug Abuse During Pregnancy, 2011).Methamphetamines are considered a major drug of abuse and can cause low birth weight, miscarri eras and could call for to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (Drug Babies and the effectuate of Drug Abuse During Pregnancy, 2011). Marijuana is the most normally abused illicit drug in America today. Women who use marijuana on a daily basis will operate at subliminal levels because it directly affects the way the brain works. When using marijuana during pregnancy the experience is more than likely to have a miscarriage or a low birth weight baby. No matter which drug the get under ones skin is using it can be negative to the unborn babys health and should be avoided. Using drugs during pregnancy not only affects the baby a birth but it can affect that child for the rest of his/her life. The child can experience some difficulties in when he/she goes to school as well. each drug is different and affects children differently. Cocaine may cause drug dependency and backdown symptoms at birth, as well physical and mental problems, especially if the mother used cocaine during the first three months of pregnancy.There is a higher risk of hypertension, heart problems, outgrowthal retardation and learning difficulties (Gale A. Richardson, 2010). It has been reported that antenatal cocaine exposure is linked to cognitive and neuropsychological development and school functioning in 6 to 8 year olds (Gale A. Richardson, 2010). A baby who has been exposed to prenatal cocaine use by the mother is more likely to be irritable, jittery and have an irregular sleeping pattern, visual problems and problems with sensory stimulation (Drug Babies and the Effects of Drug Abuse During Pregnancy, 2011). During pregnancy cocaine crosses into the placenta and enters the babys blood circulation and will stay in the blood longer than it will the mother (Using unlawful Street Drugs During Pregnancy, 2008). Using cocaine during pregnancy increases the risk of having a miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy. During the posterior part of pregnancy, using cocaine can cause placental abruption which could lead to severe bleeding, preterm birth and death of the unborn baby (Using Illegal Street Drugs During Pregnancy, 2008).Also babies who are exposed to cocaine during the later part of pregnancy may experience a dependence of the drug and may be required to be weaned off the drug at birth because the child can experience withdrawal symptoms (Joan Keegana, 2010). Symptoms include tremors, sleeplessness, muscle spasms, and feeding problems for the infant. Prenatal cocaine exposure has also been linked to behavior problems among the children in school, and aggression and shoddier attention and processing skills (Delaney-Black, 2010). For children of prenatal cocaine exposure life can be difficult, struggling in school at an early age may detour that child from continuing school when they are older to achieve his/her diploma. Also the children will have all sorts of behavior issues in school. Compared to children with no cocaine exposure, children who were exposed to cocaine had drastically more mother and teacher behavior problems throughout early elementary school (Gale A. Richardson, 2010).Children of older women who used cocaine during pregnancy also experienced more difficulties in school than children born to younger mothers who used cocaine (Gale A. Richardson, 2010). Children who are exposed to cocaine prenatally were also linked to be affected by weight and height, meaning children were smaller in weight and height categories compared to their peers. Cocaine is a very powerful drug and should not be used at all and more importantly should not be used during pregn ancy. Cocaine use during pregnancy could be fatal for the unborn child and does not give him/her a fair chance at life. A pregnant woman ineluctably to think about her unborn child before she does cocaine because her child could potentially have multiple problems in school and in life. The most important reason for a woman not to use cocaine during pregnancy is it could kill an unborn child. Heroine is classified as an opiate and travels the fastest of any drug into the babys blood stream when the mother is pregnant and used it (Joan Keegana, 2010).Like cocaine heroin is also very addictive and the baby once born can become dependent on this drug and have to be weaned off of it (Using Illegal Street Drugs During Pregnancy, 2008). Using heroin while pregnant can affect fetal development. Heroin use has been associated with an increased risk of miscarriage and immature birth, and babies may be born smaller than average and may be prone to illness (Barbara L. Thompson, 2009). The sub stances that are cut with heroin may also cause problems during the pregnancy and affect the developing fetus. Injecting heroin can increase the risk of both the mother and baby becoming infected with blood-borne viruses, such as hepatitis and HIV (Joan Keegana, 2010). Pregnant women who want to stop taking heroin need to be very careful. Sudden withdrawal from heroin may harm the baby and increase the risk of miscarriage, previous(p) birth and stillbirth (Using Illegal Street Drugs During Pregnancy, 2008).If a mother continues to use heroin while breastfeeding, it is possible that the drug will be present in her milk and may have adverse effects on the baby. Babies of mothers who use heroin will have some long-term effects. Some children at three to sixsome years of age children whose mothers were addicted to heroin were lower in weight and height compared to the other children whose mothers did not use heroin, and impaired in behavioral, perceptual and organizational abilities. B abies born with low birth weight have been shown to have many difficulties later in life such as, language learning disabilities, behavior problems, and children are more likely to be rejected by peers and performance in school may suffer and the children may need special education courses.Heroin is a very bad drug to be addicted too, not only because of the risks it presents on the person using it, but because it has an added risk of HIV because of all the needle sharing. Using heroin or any opiate should be avoided at all time for childrens sake. Methamphetamine use during pregnancy affects development of a babys, brain, spinal cord, heart and kidneys (Drug Babies and the Effects of Drug Abuse During Pregnancy, 2011). Methamphetamine use during pregnancy may result in prenatal complications, like premature delivery and birth deformities. High doses of the drug may cause a babys blood pressure to rise rapidly, leading them to suffer strokes or brain hemorrhages before birth (Barbar a L. Thompson, 2009). Methamphetamine-exposed babies may experience gastroschisis and other problems with the development of their intestines (National Institutes on Drug Abuse, 2009). As a result of methamphetamine use by their mothers, some babies may suffer developmental and skeletal abnormalities and some babies are born without parts of their arms or legs (Joan Keegana, 2010).Because methamphetamine affects transmitters in the brain, babies often experience sleep disturbances and altered behavioral patterns (Drug Babies and the Effects of Drug Abuse During Pregnancy, 2011). These babies have been described as irritable babies. Full-term babies born to mothers who use methamphetamine will likely have difficulty sucking and swallowing, much like premature babies. Often babies born to meth-addicted women cannot tolerate stimuli such as human touch and light. These babies often display tremors and coordination problems (Using Illegal Street Drugs During Pregnancy, 2008). Babies who se mothers used methamphetamine during pregnancy may experience learning disabilities, growth and developmental delays (Methamphetamine use During Pregnancy, 2008). The effects of methamphetamine use on brain development may last for many years. School-aged children whose mothers used methamphetamine while pregnant are more likely to be hyperactive or to have attention deficit disorders, learning disabilities and unprovoked fits of fretfulness (Methamphetamine use During Pregnancy, 2008).When pregnant women use marijuana it crosses into the baby through the placenta. Marijuana contains toxins that keep the baby from getting the proper amount oxygen that the baby needs in order to grow normally (Using Illegal Street Drugs During Pregnancy, 2008). Marijuana use during pregnancy is one of the lesser bad drugs however, it could still pose detrimental problems on the evolution fetus (Using Illegal Street Drugs During Pregnancy, 2008). Babies born to women who used marijuana during thei r pregnancy display altered responses to visual stimulation, increased tremors, and a eminent cry, which could indicate problems with nervous system development (Joan Keegana, 2010). During preschool and early school years, children who have been exposed to marijuana have been reported to have more behavioral problems and difficulties with bear on attention and memory than children who were not exposed (Joan Keegana, 2010).Because some parts of the brain continue to develop into adolescence, it is also possible that certain kinds of problems will become more evident as the child matures (Drug Babies and the Effects of Drug Abuse During Pregnancy, 2011). Pregnant women should not to use any drugs because they might harm the growing fetus. Although one savage study has linked marijuana use to loss of the fetus very early in pregnancy, two studies in humans found no companionship between marijuana use and early pregnancy loss (Barbara L. Thompson, 2009). Regardless of the situation , mothers should not smoke marijuana because of the possibilities of it causing harm of the baby. Tobacco is the most commonly drug used among women who are pregnant because the quit rate is surprisingly low. Only twenty percent of woman who smoke will quit take completely during their pregnancy (genus Vanessa E Murphy, 2010). Women who are heavy smokers are less likely to quit as well.Smoking during pregnancy can cause premature birth and can cause the baby to be little. Smoking while pregnant is also linked to placenta previa, placenta abruption and sudden infant death syndrome (Drug Babies and the Effects of Drug Abuse During Pregnancy, 2011). While smoking tobacco has long been linked to poor growth in a fetus and other short-term effects, it also has long-term effects on a baby whose mother smoked during the pregnancy. Only about twenty percent of women smokers who become pregnant quit (Drug Babies and the Effects of Drug Abuse During Pregnancy, 2011). With all of the health e ffects that tobacco can have on both baby and mother, pregnant women who smoke are aware to try and quit for their own health and the health of their child (Miles, 2009).Children born to mothers who smoke tobacco tend to be more impulsive and have more trouble learning and developing. Infants whose mothers smoked while they were in the pregnant are more likely to exhibit lower scores on mental tests at age one and to have lower grades overall during the school years than children whose mothers who did not use tobacco (Vanessa E Murphy, 2010). The risk of a learning disability, such as dyslexia, rises twenty-five percent in children whose mothers smoked a pack or more of cigarettes a day. Babies born to smokers may also have lifelong birth defects that impede mental development, such as cerebral palsy or mental retardation (Miles, 2009).Those whose mothers smoked moderately or heavily during pregnancy were over four times as likely to develop type two diabetes also called adult onse t diabetes, before the age of 33, which is considered an early age for developing this type of diabetes. The children of mothers who smoke are also more likely to become obese later in life. There is also a link between fetal exposure to tobacco smoke and future risk of cardiovascular disease (Vanessa E Murphy, 2010). Children who were exposed to tobacco smoke as a fetus are more likely to develop hypertension, or high blood pressure, than the children of women who did not smoke during pregnancy (Miles, 2009).This increase was originally thought to be correlated to the low birth weight typical of babies whose moms smoked during pregnancy, but when compared with children of similar birth weight, the smokers children had higher blood pressure at ages five and six than other kids. Mothers who smoke tobacco while pregnant may also affect their babys brain in ways that last a lifetime. These children are more likely to engage in criminal behavior and to abuse drugs than the children of w omen who did not smoke while pregnant (Drug Babies and the Effects of Drug Abuse During Pregnancy, 2011). Overall, mothers who are pregnant should not use any type of drug from illicit to non illicit because they can all have detrimental consequences on the growing baby, not just in the womb but later in life as well.Work Cited* Barbara L. Thompson, P. L. (2009). Prenatal exposure to drugs effects on brain development and implications for policy and education. National Institutes of Health , 10 (4), 303-312. * Delaney-Black, V. (2010). Prenatal and Postnatal cocaine exposure predict teen cocaine use. Neurotoxicology and Teratology , 110-119. * Drug Babies and the Effects of Drug Abuse During Pregnancy. (2011). Retrieved May 19, 2011, from The Good Drugs Guide * Gale A. Richardson, L. G. (2010). Prenatal cocaine exposure Effects on mother-and teacher-rated behavior problems and growth in school-age children. Neurotoxicology and Teratology , 69-77. * Joan Kee gana, M. P. (2010). Addiction in Pregnancy. diary of Addictive Diseases , 29 (2), 175-191. * Methamphetamine use During Pregnancy. (2008, October). Retrieved May 19, 2011, from North Dakota Department of Health * Miles, M. (2009). Challenges for midwives pregnant women and illicit drug use. Australian Journal of Advanced nursing , 28 (1), 83-90. * National Institutes on Drug Abuse. (2009). Retrieved May 18, 2011, from National Institutes of Health * Using Illegal Street Drugs During Pregnancy. (2008, October). Retrieved May 19, 2011, from American Pregnancy Association * Vanessa E Murphy, V. L. (2010). The effect of cigarette smoking on asthma control during exacerbations in pregnant women. Thorax , 739-744.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Harvard Case Study McDonaldââ¬â¢s
Question 1 Which company orientation (product, production, selling or market) can best describe McDonalds activities? What makes you animadvert so? In the national of McDonalds activities the company orientation is selling and I will explain why. In first Ill explain what is the selling orientation, and in stand by why its the McDonald orientation. If we look at the definition in the book Marketing Management the selling philosophy or orientation is a focus on making sales rather than pull ining the customers and its based on an aggressive selling and promotion effort.So we can understand that the selling philosophy is to sell, sell and sell and make money. Now that you know the definition, take a look on McDonald. Before to talk directly nigh McDonald lets see the history of Ray Kroc and his dream. The dream of Ray Kroc was to become rich and make money, care we can read in the suit of clothes he starts to sell milkshakes and the most than he could sell. The way of life and t he wishes of Ray Kroc has been transmitted in his firm. When he created McDonald with the brothers they tried to impose McDonald all over the man with a lot of restaurants and to avoid the potential competitors.It worked during a long time but today its not the case because the customers postulate change and McDonald has some difficulties to continue in this way. So we can see that McDonald uses the selling philosophy. Question 2 To date, McDonalds has avoided diversification into unrelated food retail operations as well as non-food options. Discuss the desirability of such diversification efforts. McDonalds has avoided diversification into unrelated food retailing operations as well as non food options cause of different things.The image of McDonald in consumers minds is related to food and especially fast food, maybe McDonald didnt exact the skills to manage new products unrelated to food and to finish its more easier for McDonald to focus the resources on one way and the best way for them its modify the system. Lets talk about more generally about the diversification and especially about the advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are different by activitys sector but lets see some example.The diversification can make a growth relay (after specialization) (Ex alliance Med in Club Med World or Club Med Gym in the past and now in a real estate program). It could reduce risk (Fram and hotels Framissima). It alike could steady a seasonal activity. The disadvantages are a management more complex, news environments and competitors, it could make a dilution of the identity and image in consumers mind and workers and a dispersion of companys resources. Question 3 How do you explain the reluctance of competitors to imitate the successful efforts of another firm in their industry? chthonic which circumstances is imitation likely to be considered? Generally companies are reluctant to emulate the successful efforts of a company in their industry because it requires significant coronation that does not necessarily guarantee a positive result. Moreover, it does not let the consumer realizes the imitation so as not to pass an imitator in consumers mind. But its possible to imitate in this way when there is a monopole on a sector to put some competition. In this case the company who imitates if she has a competitive advantage regarding the other firm can take a place in market.In the case of high technology like in mobile phone market (imitations of the I phone). In the case the competitors comes in the market cause of the weaknesses of McDonald and the need of consumers. Question 4 What do you moot is McDonalds short-term and long-term potential? What makes you think so? McDonald is a really important brand all around the world and everyone knows it. Its the second most important in term of number of restaurant all around the world behind Subway. Even if some persons criticized this firm I think its impossible for it to disappear even on long time.The fact is in short term if McDonald doesnt react to the consumers inescapably and the needs of the franchisees the firm will continue to loose money. They were too much time the number one and they have ignored the consumers needs. Now competitors appear on the market and win some market share. We can notice that McDonald was the first real fast food in consumers mind and thats also why McDonald is the target of consumers associations and movies like Super size me. But every time McDonald reacts and is still alive. So in long term McDonald should be more attentive to the consumers need and it will be ok.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Addiction Counselors
Bowers, M. 2000). Young people and problem drug physical exercise The role of attachment theory and family background. (Order none Lull 35553, University of Leister (United Kingdom)). PACT I-J & Ireland, Retrieved from http//search. Protest. Com/deceive/ 301 (301 545184). The findings show that the young people with drug use problems differed from the control group in that they emphasized the positive consequences of drug use and were more likely to leave school early. However, there was an absence of a direct relationship between family and related.Researches have been looking around efferent sexual practice and match that the cases decrease among years, since there is an empty attach between family members. This research was based on different family experiences. Skillet, S. K. (2002). Causal attributions for problem drinking Gender differences and predictors of healthful outcome. (Order No. Lull 58572, University of Leister (United Kingdom)). PACT I-J & Ireland, Retrieved f rom http//search. Protest. Com/ (301 562982). Researchers at the Retrieved had identified a number of obstacles to treatment of late life depression.Based on their thesis consists of two studies to evaluate the speciality of a structured approach by primary care and community services to the identification and management of depression among older people. Phase One was a validation workplace of the short Geriatric Depression Scale as part of an annual over-75 health check by the practice nurse. Based on actual results the community services has increase among the age. Newborn, J. (2000). Dieters experience of craving thoughts The role of appraisal and thought control in dysfunctional alimentation behavior and excited distress. (Order No. 13135627, University of Leister (United Kingdom)).PACT I-J & Ireland, Retrieved from http//search. Protest. Com/deceive/301 545231 ? Accounted=35796. (301 545231). According to the Univac of Leister studies have shown that food cravings are a com monplace experience in the general population and ordinarily, are not associated with worked up distress or a lack of behavioral control. As a matter of fact some people with disordered eating, food cravings can be associated with significant distress and are implicated as a contributory factor in binge eating. So based on their recent advances in cognitive theory, I disagree since every person who crave food is eased on their state on mind.It really depends on every side based on their needs. Reborn, L. C. (2002). Gender differences in body image dissatisfaction, eating disturbance and perception of media imagery in pre-adolescent children. (Order No. 13163247, University of Leister (United Kingdom)). PACT I-J & Ireland, Retrieved from http//search. Protest. Com/deceive/301 554753? Accounted=35796. (301 554753). This study was to examine gender differences in body image dissatisfaction, disordered eating and drive for muscularity in pre-adolescent children based on the Edie facts .One hundred and ninety one children healed between nine and ten years participated in the study, and more than a half were or feel unhappy with their bodies. However, their expression of body image dissatisfaction differed, in that most girls wished for a thinner body shape, whereas the boys were equally split between those who wished to be thinner and those who wished to be larger. There were no gender differences in levels of eating disturbance. Researchers were inspired and extent their research based on the answers and numbers of this study.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Four characteristics of Biomedical model Essay
1) biologistic reduces illness to natural to natural biological processes seeks out a single, clearly identifiable pathogen loses sight of the friendly context of the disease2) mechanistic insists on a conceptual separation of body and mind conceives of the body as a machine made up of interrelated parts disease is attributed to malfunctioning part that requires fixing loses sight of the whole subject3) scientistic regards the scientific method as providing the only means by which to access valid knowledge. seeks to identify strict scientific principles or laws and h iodines in what can be directly observed and measured loses sight of the meanings and feeling associated with the endure of disease4) emphasis seeks to care rather than prevent disease, and is therefore largely reactive in natureFive characteristics of Individualist Health Promotion (IHP)1) is placed at the conservative end of public health continuum that is, it does not require or advocate significant structural chan ge in club2) focuses on behavioural patterns and lifestyle factors in order to explain the origins of ill health that is, it looks upstream form biology, regarding diseases as the end crossing of the way in which flock to lead their lives. Ultimately, it is consistent with a psychological orientation3) aims to educate individuals about the risk factors associated with particular lifestyle choices with a view to promoting healthy behavioural changes (eg. the pot kills campaign4) encourage individuals to take responsibility for their health, that is , they are expected to take on jump on the information provided by health experts, and to use this to monitor numerous lifestyle factors, including diet, alcohol consumption, smoking habits, exercise participation, stress level etc. this process involves internalising the gaze of a range of health expert, and it renders more and more empyrean of life relevant to ones health status5) has a proactive preventative ( is opposed to react ive curative emphasis, whereby it seeks to prevent diseases from occurring by positively influencing health related behavioursSocial Medicine The radical end of the public health continuum focuses on life chances and affectionate structure advocates the structural transformation of society preventative emphasis1) not only is health influenced by behavioural and lifestyle factors that exist upstream from biology, it is also profoundly shaped y board social processes that occur even further upstream , and which serve to structure behavioural and lifestyle choices in the first place.2) there is a clear social gradient in the distribution of most diseases , that is, as a general rule, the higher the location in the social hierarchy, the lower the incidence of disease, and vice versa3) with middle disease, the standard biological predictors (cholesterol levels, blood pressure) and behavioural predictors (smoking, poor diet) account for only one-quarter to one-third of the identifiable social gradient.4) To adequately explain the social gradient of disease, one must take into account the fundamental, although often subtle, social determinants of ill health.5) It is not only absolute poverty that causes ill health, but also relative contrast (or ones place in the social hierarch) the amount of power and control one exercise at work, and in life more for the most part ones degree of integration into a supportive social network6) in the workplace and beyond, control over ones destiny, is a pivotal factor in determining an individuals health prospects and such control is socially mediated.HealthUnhealthyCause, ResponsibilityBiomedical bewilderFortunateUnfortunateNo individual and social group is responsible ill health is a product of nature or biology and is in the long run a matter of fateIndividual health promotionResponsibleIrresponsibleThe individual is responsible ill health is the outcome of unhealthy behaviours and inexpedient lifestyle choiceSocial medi cineSocial AdvantageSocial DisadvantagedSocial group who foster, and profit from, inequality are responsible, ill- health is the product of social organisation
Thursday, May 23, 2019
How successfully did Weimar governments deal with Germanyââ¬â¢s problems in the years 1920-1924 Essay
The Weimar goernments were reasonably successful when it came to dealing with Ger legion(predicate)s problems within those four years. The government being taken over by Gustav Stresemann, in August 1923, made a huge, positive difference to Germany. Because of Stresemann, Germany was able to recover a lot quicker with his help.One of Germanys major problems was hyperinflation. Germany having no more goods to trade, resulted in the government printing more money. There ended up being so much money, but not profuse goods to buy with it, so prices and wages went up by a tremendous amount. This made the money ugly. The majority of Germany was rich. Stresemann dealt with this problem in a very(prenominal) helpful dash. He immediately c all(prenominal)ed off passive resistance and ordered the workers in the Ruhr to go back to work. He then burned all of the worthless marks and created, then replaced a new currency, known as the Rentenmark.The Dawes Plan of 1924 was course of studyula ted to take Weimar Germany out of hyperinflation and return Weimars economy to some form of stability. The main points of the Dawes Plan were simple in their effort to re-float Weimar Germanys economy. The first main point of the Dawes plan was to return the Ruhr to Germany so that it was in their full control. Stresemann negotiated to dumbfound American loans under the Dawes Plan, which also renegotiated the reparations bill from the Treaty of Versailles. For example, in 1924, the figure was set as fifty million in British pound sterling, as opposed to two billion of 1922. These were the first issues Stresemann dealt with as Chancellor, and due to his success, it was clear that Germanys governments were in good hands.Another one of Germanys problems was the attempts to overthrow the government. Luckily, for the government, they were unsuccessful. Spartacists workweek in 1919, the Kapp Putsch, and the Munich Putsch are all examples of attacks, from the left and right wing, which f ailed in the early years of the Weimar Republic. The fact that all of these attacks failed, shows thatWeimar governments were yet again successful, when it came to dealing with their problems.Although Weimar governments had many successes, before Stresemann and under his power, these problems still occurred and it was irresponsible of Weimar governments to allow these problems to get out of hand and out of their control, even if they did manage to recover.For starters, hyperinflation started. That, in itself, is a problem that could pee-pee been prevented, which caused major issues for Germany. It took a lot of work to recover from it and having a new currency was a big deal. It was as if a new currency was the yet way to recover from that disaster. As well as this, pensioners on fixed incomes and people with savings were the most badly hit as they lost all of their money when the Rentenmark was introduced and the money was not returned to them.There was so much violence to fight against and so many attempts to overthrow the Weimar Republic. This also should have been prevented at an to begin with stage. As a result of these attacks, there were deaths and severe injuries which were in the hands of the Weimar Republic, all because groups from the left wing and groups from the right wing didnt agree with the way the government was running Germany. They could have found a way to avoid so much crime and violence.Another mishap from the Weimar Republic was the fail to hire back the reparations bill from the Treaty of Versailles. Although it was an extremely difficult bill to pay, considering the economic situation in Germany, they still failed. Their failure resulted in the French and Belgian military personnel going into the Ruhr and Germany couldnt do much to stop them.In conclusion, Weimar Governments were overall successful when it came to dealing with Germanys problems. Stresemanns solutions resulted in Germanys economy worthy stable again, so they dealt with the issues very successfully.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
John Deere and Complex Parts Inc Essay
Deere & Company headquarter in Moline, Illinois was founded in 1837.In 2007, they conducted business in oer 110 countries and employed approximately 47,000 people worldwide. Their employment rate grew to over 67,000 individuals as shown in the Statistics, 2014. They are the worlds leading manufacturer of farm and forestry equipments and also produce construction, commercial and consumer equipments. Other products and services produced by Deere include equipment financing, power system, special technologies and healthcare. In 2006 members of lavatory Deeres provider evaluation team were discussing issues on a long time supplier, knotty separate, performance. Over the ancient year, their service had declined resulting in an unfavorable and less profitable relationship between John Deere and Complex part and the supplier evaluation team was tasked with providing a recommended fly the coop of action to their project jitney.Deeres achieving excellence program (AEP), a supplier eval uation unconscious process that promotes intercourse, trust, cooperation, and continuous improvement, has served as a grading base for their suppliers. The AEP evaluates on a yearly bases, key parts on how a supplier is performing. It focuses on five key areas quality, delivery, bell management, wavelength and technical support. The program classifies each supplier, from better(p) to worst as either partner, key, approved or conditional. AEP effectively assesses the suppliers commitment to its relationship with Deere in such areas as enhancing confabulation, lowering cost and improving design. Complex Parts had been a supplier for John Deere for over ten years with annual sales to their Moline unit of approximately $ 3.5 million. Complex Parts responsibility was to manufacture a key part that requi sanguine significant engineering input and testing and had remained John Deeres only supplier of this part, horizontal though two other suppliers can also supply it. Complex Parts w as a supplier who was actively involved and interested in increase their sales with John Deere.They have always taken proactive measures in their dealings with John Deere, by participating in cost reduction strategies and staying up with Deeres design changes and most importantly giving in to Deeres Product whole tone Plan. However, their delivery rating was extremely high at 155,000 and their Quality rating was 666. This was as a result of their failure to implement the Product Quality Plan at their newly opened facility. Lastly, for as willing as they wereabout employing cost reduction strategies, they failed to do so over the past year, resulting in untimely deliveries and delays. For Complex Parts to go forward to the project manager there are four courses of actions to be presented to Complex Parts. 1) Contract a new external supplier and hope that the research and analysis conducted would benefit John Deere with a good rating, 2) Utilize Complex Parts in combination with a se cond supplier, either external or internal, 3) Utilize an internal supplier already on contract with John Deere, and 4) Continue to move forward with Complex Parts as their main supplier. Our team recommendation should be the stern option, of holding Complex Parts as a main supplier.However identifying a path forward that is more engaged on John Deeres part. Identifying a team or a direct contact of upper management that will be responsible at John Deere as a liaison between the two parties. Creating a dashboard interface, or a decision support system, that ranks each aspect of their relationship on a green, yellow, and red scale could also help them identify risks before they become realized and give monthly feedback to both companies on their overall health. Some short-term and semipermanent implications of the recommendations are The decade long relationship between Complex Parts and John Deere is a good indicator of past performance. Because the AEP fails to solicit and incorp orate supplier feedback to their analysis, its difficult to assess what could be the driver of the youthful downturn in performance and deliveries. It could be an issue that is short term and due to determine its self in the coming quarter.Choosing to keep Complex Parts on contract, as a supplier for John Deere will offset any of the initial costs associated with looking for external suppliers or contracting even those internally. Long-term relationships will have lows and highs and its ideal that John Deere rides this low out. Due to the lack of communication between both parties, keeping up with Deeres required specification changes, barely was very concerned with their frequent inability to return phone calls to Complex Parts customer service group. An increasing number of deliveries had to be expedited over the past year, costing Deere in the process its difficult to predict the results of keeping Complex Parts on contract. Had the two retained a healthy level of communicatio n John Deere could be made aware of any recent issues that Complex Parts is experiencing and perhaps due to their vast experience offer solutions that would increase the turnaround of the imposed decline.There is a risk that communication alone will not prevent a future decrease in performance by Complex Parts and John Deere will in the end lose additional profits. To both their benefit though, Complex Parts reputation and historical performance is a good indicator of future performance, instilling dominance for John Deere to press forward with their buyer and supplier relationship with Complex Part. Focus only on scoring a high rating on the AEP scale but not necessarily doing what is best for the supplier is not a good indicator for John Deere and Company.It is not only Complex Parts responsibility to make adjustments for John Deere. Deere and Company should also exploit what they could be doing to help the supplier. The AEP is an ideal way to analyze how a supplier is functioni ng but it would be beneficial to include an assessment of how or what Deere and Company could do to help suppliers, provide training to conditional suppliers in order for them to improve their process which will be beneficial to both Deere and this suppliers , and to avoid danger of losing business relationship for both parties.ReferencesAccounting Tools (2014) Accounting Tools. The Weighted Average Method. Retrieved on October 4, 2014 from http// The Statistics entry (2014) Statistical. John Deeres Workforce 2002-2013. Retrieved on October 4, 2014 from http// Wisner, J. D., Tan, K., & Leong, G. K. (2012). Principles of Supply Chain Management (3rd ed.). Mason, OH South-Western.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
The Concept and Practice of Depreciation
The concept and practice of depreciation plays an integral part in a companys cash spring situation and funding. The two main reasons this occurs are that sourcely depreciation is a for of self-importance finance, and secondly because a company does not shit to pay taxes on depreciation, hence excluding taxation from a cash amount which enlarges the cash flow of a company.As a term, depreciation is defined as a loss in value, a diminishment in market price, always taking the time factor into account, because the view point of depreciation is always a treasure of change in value in an asset (fixed or current) compared to the present value of that asset.If a company purchases or rents machinery, or any sorting of equipment used for production purposes, it has to take into account the purchased or rented goods production life span, inculpateing that everything has a certain period of time in which it contributes to production before it is rendered useless. I use the term useless i n the sense that what is produced does not bring profit to the company due to wear and root for resulting in production time loss and a lower standard of quality. The time based service of an asset of course varies depending on what the asset is. If it is a van for example, its usefulness might be seven course of studys before the van needs replacing, but if it is a building we are talking about, its usefulness may be forty years.For example, is a JCB digger were to be purchased in 2000 at the value of 15000, and its productive life span were to be eight years, this would mean that in eight years time, the digger purchased would cease to be of any productive use to the company which purchased it. If it were to be resoled in 2008 though, its value would have depreciated drastically due to the time lapse from the initial purchase. Its depreciation, hence its devaluation, is its year zero value less an annual percentage of the devaluation process updated annually.Depreciation does n ot barely apply to current assets, but also is applicable to fixed asset as well. Buildings for example lose their value too taking the time surpass factor into account. If a building is purchased in 1970 as a newly built structure, its value will have definitely decreased in 2025 by the depreciation rate estimated.The way depreciation is worked out is by subtracting the rate of depreciation (of the year in question) from the present value. The rate of depreciation varies from year to year by its power (in the process of the annual 1 multiplied by the percentage rate of depreciation) being the year number of its depreciation and its depreciation rate possibly varying from year to year.Because depreciation is subtracted from the assets of a financial statement, it is not subject to taxation, therefore the company has automatically achieved a higher cash flow status by depreciating its assets, the worth of its capital value. We can see this in the following mock cash flow calculatio n (Last Page).In the first and second row, because depreciation is included, the cash and accounting sum of depreciation is not taxed, this leaves the company with more cash flow compared to the third column of the calculation cerement where depreciation is not included.This form of saving, or investing, not only allows a company to have a greater financial mobility in the market it is mingled in, but also ensures the replacement of necessary current and fixed assets needed for production purposes.The best way for a firm to be financed it through self finance, and since depreciation is retained cash for future asset replacement, it is a form of self financing. This saves the company paying out interest rates on coast loans for example, an external source of finance which demands a price for the service provided to the company.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Organizational Behavior in Multinational/Global Aviation Essay
IntroductionOver the past few years the s ready industriousness has continued to typesetters case challenges on how well(p) to manage the sedulousness on both operational and oversight level in relation to interests of different stakeholders in the labor. Customers submit increasingly demanded for reform work while sh atomic number 18holders demand for more profits. With globalization of aviation effort, the market has be deal more competitive and demands the pains to be bluely competitive to survive on the global market.This comeback of global competition encourage complicates the achieving of guests, shareholders and early(a) stakeholders take by the application. Thus, the intentness demand to change its organization behavior and structure to catch up with these new challenges. Studies show that fabrication performance is highly abnormal by its behavior. Dessler (2001) stresses this point when he points unwrap that, organization behavior and structure de termines the success of an industry. These new challenges has made the industry to rethink its business behavior, objective and aims coming up with strategies that has made the industry more successful than before. (Dessler, 2001)GlobalizationGlobalization has had varied invites on policy making in the aviation industry, by influencing the making of key decisions in the industry. Globalization in this case has influenced economic policy making in aviation industry. One of the effects or influence to economic policy making in aviation industry is that, it has made it more complex. According to give-up the ghost managers in aviation industry, globalization has made this policy making quite challenging due to the real(prenominal) m either factors that are globally affecting it and the various needfully of the different stakeholders that has to be fulfilled.Globalization has affected aviation industry in its decision making. This is because all the decisions made in this industry harbor to influence along with international standards. This is so because globalization comes along with standards which all the industries have to adhere to. Decisions that are made in aviation industry in addition have to be according to international trade policies. airmanship industry faces big challenge in line with global competition and balancing of various stakeholders call for. (Dessler, 2001)StakeholdersM whatever propagation different stakeholders requirements do conflict, and at eras the requirements of each(prenominal) stem are non well understood. balance the requirement for the different groups in the industry becomes a challenge to the policy bemusers in the industry, many questions have to be asked before formulating a structure that tush satisfy each separate group. Some of the questions asked when formulating policies areHow to balance the needs and know when trade-off can be appliedHow to analyze the needs to come up with a win-win resolution for all the concerned groupsHow do to conclude if the win-win- solution for each group is real feasibleEventually economic and some other needs has to be included in the policy making process in relation to satisfying the various groups with a stake in the industry.Stakeholders and requirementsThe aviation industry like any other industry has nine basic or generic wine stakeholder groups with different class of people in each group. These groups are (Cox, 2000)The governmentBoard of directorsOwners/ shareholdersManagement decision makerCustomer employeesSuppliersCommunityWe shall examine only four groups which are owners, guests, employees, local environmental groups which are very beta in the industry and how their individual needs are balanced.ShareholdersShareholders in an industry or a company are the owners of the industry the upper-case letter invested in the industry comes from the shareholders who expect a reasonable reelect over the invested capital. Freiberg & Freiberg ( 1998) clearly states that, the objective of shareholders in an industry is primary(prenominal)ly long term fiscal step-up or short term financial gain in terms of dividends. The needs of shareholders may as well include greater kindly enhancement, protecting the environment among other things. Shareholders basically put their financial capital in the business to have an opportunity of making money. (Freiberg & Freiberg, 1998)The executive management group in aviation industry is the one which is answerable to the shareholders in terms of results of the business, in a situation where the executive management to do produce positive results, the shareholders may replace the executive management or the shareholders may string their money and invest it elsewhere. Any industry which is not well managed at the end it will have to collapse. The shareholders in the aviation industry basically expect the following from the industryLong term financial returns ( cast up in relation to sha reholders amount)Short term financial returns (dividends)Observance of social norms (environment and ethics) Freiberg, K., & Freiberg, J. (1998CustomersIn any crabby industry the most important group of stakeholders are the customers. Normally, customers demand high quality of assistants and a competitive price. (Legge, 2004) In order for the industry to realize profits it has to provide quality services at competitive determine so that it threads more customers to increase profitability of the industry. Supposing the level of profits falls and losses are made, the shareholders will complain. Thus, the challenge is to set prices and quality that can attract the customers and at the same cartridge clip make profits that can sustain the industry. (Legge, 2004)Customer segment in this industry do not differ so much, customer will have different expectations from the industry and the executive managers will face different challenges in formulating ways to satisfy the varied requir ements of the customer segment. One cross issue that has raised a lot of concern in the industry is the security issue. Ever since the September 11 terrorist fervour in America, the concern of security in aviation industry has increased and all stakeholders and in particular the customers have demanded for high security and guard duty in the industry. (Legge, 2004)It is important that customers have to be listened to so that their needs are understood, in order to make improvements where possible, and where not possible customers be informed of the impossibility. Generally the industry is pursing customer requirements that are in line with the interests of other important stakeholders. Basically, customers demands in the aviation include profit of the services the industry is providing especially in terms of security and safetyBetter competitive pricingA commitment of the industry to address their requirements (Legge, 2004)EmployeesThis groups consists of all levels of employees who are down the executive management level, at times it may too include the upper middle level management, the middle level management, the supervisors and individual employees. The biggest concern of all employees in any industry is having good working condition, secure workplace and financial security. How invariably, other requirements also exists that employees require. (Cox, 2000) Basically employees require the followingCompetitive salaries and benefitsJob securityOpportunities for career teaching and growthSafetyCommunityThe community though is a less formal stakeholder group in the industry, it is still important and it has a big influence on the industry. Yukl (2002) explains that, the community can either limit to support a business or not, depending on whether they concur with the way the business or industry is carrying out its activities. (Yukl, 2002)Yukl (2002) further explains that, the main interests of a community in any industry are safety of the environment, employment for the local community and cooperation from the industries in other community issues. Community members may become painful sensation to the industry or be a support base for the industry depending on the relationships that exists between the industry and the community. The community has three main requirements which areEnvironmentalEconomicSafety (Yukl, 2002)Balancing stakeholders needsThe biggest issue thus is how to balance the various needs of the above mentioned stakeholders. It seems that there are three major issues or challenges that aviation industry faces in balancing the different requirement of the diverse stakeholders, this are underlined belowIdentifying the ad hoc main stakeholders in the industry in relation to different business situationsUnderstanding the different needs and the main priorities that should be given to this needsBalancing the requirements which conflicts with each other (making trade-offs) (Cox, 2000)In order to work the above challeng es the industry has formulated a matrix formula, this has highly helped the industry in solving the challenges and in balancing requirements of each group of stakeholders. Generally using the matrix implies identifying the most important needs of each group of stakeholders. These are generally similar for each kind of stakeholders, for examples all customers will need expose services and competitive prices, and all shareholders, whether ordinary of preferential will need high returns over their capital. To procure this, the industry has undertaken different approaches to satisfy each group of stakeholders. (Cox, 2000)Balancing Shareholders needsThe main aim of shareholders is to birth good returns on their capital they have invested. To this end the industry has to attract more customers to progress to high profits so as to ensure high returns on the capital invested by the shareholders. This can be attained through prudent management and good policies and marketing to achieve h igh profits at the same time ensure that other stakeholders needs are taken care of.The industry has responded well by using new technologies in improving its services. The industry has utilized the use of online marketing and also incorporated the use of new technologies in production and operations activities which has resulted in significant increase in r even upue and thus attained the shareholders goals. The industry generally has responded to globalization by redefining its services and expanding to new markets to increase its market share and hence profitability of the industry. (Larson, 1997)Balancing the needs of customers Industry has continued to provide better services and at the most cost effective prices which have increased the number of passengers over the years. another(prenominal) aspect that the industry has undertaken in relation to customer is improving security in airports, in the aircrafts and even coming up with better designed aircrafts and air fields which put safety/security of the customer as a first priority. (Phegan, 2000)Customer satisfaction is vital for the success of Aviation industry. Phegan (2000) points out that, with ever increasing competition on the global market those industries that commission on customer orientation and customer satisfaction have chances of maintaining and even improving their customer base. Customers remain the most important group which ensures choice of any industry. Aviation industry has clearly balanced the goals of the customer (in relation to customer loyalty, satisfaction, profitability and sales) compared to other industry stakeholder needs.A significant consideration the industry has undertaken is an overall altitude of organizational commitment to customer objectives, without taking this commitment customer satisfaction will have a very limited impact. Aviation industry has made strategic market plans, which includes, how the company should divide the market and which segments of the mark et the industry should focus on basing on the Aviation industry capabilities and or industry competencies. Aviation industry has to have a clear consideration of how the customer satisfaction will be netly balance with other needs of other stakeholders. (Phegan, 2000)Balancing employees needsToday, employees are no more human resource to be worn but employees have become human capital, thus an asset to an organization that need to be saved and developed. Globalization has opened up new opportunities and employees have become more difficult to retain in an industry that is not competitive enough. To this end aviation industry has to undertake motivation as the main aspect of getting well qualified professional who can achieve the goals of the organization and even batter them. (Robbins, 2004Motivational practicesTo be able to be successful in the current global and domestic markets, motivation, for any organizations workforce is a solution in realizing competitive advantage. Aviat ion industry therefore, has the ultimate function of retaining good staff members who are the main drivers of the industry. It takes a considerable amount of time to train an employee in the industry to attain better standards for any specific duty. To lose such an employee at any stage of the production process is suicidal for the industry. Specific emphasis is therefore taken into account to make sure that such employees are kept for as long as they are required. (Robbins, 2004)Better conditions for service and financial rewards are examples of measures applied to motivate employees within the industry. In addition the industry is motivating the employees in terms of annual, leave, insurance or shorter working periods. Aviation industry has set good employee wages to attract human capital in the industry.Top managers in aviation industry have provided information that is serviceable in the making of decisions for the Aviation industry with regard to balancing the amount of wages to be gainful to employees and the actual financial situations for the industry in relation to other stakeholders. It must be noted that, employees play the most important part in realizing the targets of the industry. The aviation industry currently is among industry with well give employees, this has ensured that the employees are satisfied and thus they can drive the industry to new heights and help it achieve the other stakeholders needs. (Robbins, 2004)Balancing community needsThe issue of community social state has become an important issue in the recent years. Today, many customers want to be associated with companies that have good community social responsibility policies, and many industries are realizing that for them to succeed they have to operate within community social responsibility framework. Many industries all over the world are adopting and practicing community social responsibility. At the same time the local communities have become more aware of their environ ment and demand industries to protect it.Aviation industry has balanced this need of the community by becoming more environmental certified by charge on ways of reducing environmental degradation issues such as global warming and pollution. It is possible for the industry to achieve this at the same time satisfy other stakeholders. The aviation industry also gives the local community a say in issues concerning environment management and employment to ensure nonaggressive coexistence that can enable the industry to grow without friction with the community. (Handy, 1985)ConclusionDifferent stakeholders have different needs in any industry, customer, shareholders, employees and the community remains important to the success of an industry. The aviation industry has a challenge in balancing these needs. The industry has undertaken changes in its organization behavior and its marketing policies to balance these needs. Some of the changes that the industry has undertaken are prudent ma nagement to satisfy the needs of the shareholders, high quality services and secure industry to respond to the needs of the customers, good remunerations and better working conditions to satisfy the employees and being more environmental conscious and taking more social responsibility to respond to the needs of the community. However, in this global era the industry will still be faced with challenge on how best to formulate policy decisions which can satisfy all needs of the various stakeholders in the industry.ReferenceBartol, K, et al. (2005) Management a pacific focus, quaternary edition McGraw-Hill Book Company.Cox, B. (2000) Southwest Airlines attributes profitability to treating customers, workers well. Fort worth Star-TelegramDessler, G (2001) Management, leading people and organizations in the 21st century, Prentice hallway Inc, New Jersey.Freiberg, K., & Freiberg, J. (1998) Nuts Southwest Airlines crazy recipe for business and in-person success New York Bantam Doubleday. Handy, C.B. (1985) Understanding Organizations, 3rd Edition, Harmond-sworth, Penguin Books,Larson, M. (1997) Corporate culture is Southwests edge. air Journal Serving Greater Sacramento, 13(43), 30Legge, K (2004) Human Resource Management Rhetoric and Realities. day of remembrance Ed. Hampshire Palgrave, Macmillan,Locke, E. A. (1976) The nature and causes of job satisfaction. In M. D. Dunnette (Ed.), Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL Rand McNally.Judge, T. A., & Watanabe, S. (1993) Another look at the job satisfaction-life satisfaction relationship. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78Robbins, S. P. (2004) Organizational Behavior Concepts, Controversies, Applications. 4th Ed. Prentice HallPhegan, B. (2000) Developing Your Company Culture a Handbook for Leaders and Managers, Context Press,Weick, K.E. (1979) The Social Psychology of Organizing second Ed. McGraw HillYukl, G. (2002) Leadership in organizations (5th ed.) Prentice Hall.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
How to Write an Executive Memo
paternity an Executive Memo Your strategy professors occupy asked the side faculty to cover the executive memo, which you allow for use in your strategic management class, for two reasons * The dexterity to write a short, informative, well-written memo like this will serve you well in your future careers. * Writing a good memo is difficult and requires practice. Students in past strategic management classes sport had scuffle with the guidelines youll see in the succeeding(a) dissever. Please read this document carefully and be prepared to process your reasonableness during the next class session.An executive memo is a short (no more than 500 words) inseparable document whose purpose is to make strategic recommendations to a company. The executive memo has 4 parts the issue, the recommendation, the fulfill send off, and the discussion of alternatives, in that order. When you write your executive memo, there are several important guidelines to keep in mind * The memo is sh ort, so every word should count. Dont waste time expectant the company information it already has (i. e. , what the company does, how much its sold, etc. * Its important that you chip in the material in the order fall flatn here. This is not creative writing * Everything in the memo should be connected to the issue at hand the recommendation, the action plan, and the alternatives should all serve to resolve the issue. * Since the memo focuses on the issue, it is crucial that you state the issue clearly. Starting your memo the field of operation line Make received your subject line encapsulates the main issue of your memo. share 1 The Issue * The memo should begin with a educational activity of the strategy problem you will address (i. . , you are defining the problem). This definition is key because it determines the direction which the quiet of the memo will take. * It is vital to distinguish between observational information and the problem you want to solve. Be crystal cl ear and specific about the issue you will address. Your issue segmentation should do the following * Identify the root problems associated with the issue. * Provide a measure of how significant the problem is. * Provide a maven of how urgent the problem is. * Identify the risk if the issue is not addressed.Section 2 Recommendation(s) This section comes early in the memo because its more important that the reader see it than the alternatives. Nevertheless, its best to write your alternatives initiatory and choose from among them. * Your recommendation must be one of your alternatives and must relate back to the issue and causes you hurl defined initially. * State CLEARLY what solution you recommend and briefly why it re maps the best alternative. * Normally, the recommendation will be one alternative however, sometimes it may incorporate one aspect of a cooperate option. Indicate briefly that you understand whatever drawbacks may exist to the solution you have chosen. * Make sur e your recommendation is realistic given physical and economic limitations. Section 3 Action plan This section should be a brief bullet list. The action plan is a schedule for the implementation of the recommendations you have made. * The goal of the action plan is to show the reader (your boss) the scope of the activity involved and demonstrate your understanding of what has to be done to complete it. * Since someone else will probably carry out the recommendations, your action plan gives that person a template to follow. Break it up into activity periods Immediate, Short term, etc. , with days in brackets. This gives the reader a sense of the time period the program will be finished in. Section 4 Discussion of alternatives This section helps the reader understand how you came to your decision and demonstrates that you considered the issue thoroughly. Be sure to present three reasonable alternatives. * The section should begin with a brief introductory paragraph for background thi s paragraph should include the basic criteria which the alternatives are judged on. You should then move on to discuss THREE alternatives, which should all have a similar focus 3 on a new target market, 3 on a marketing strategy, 3 on new distribution channels, etc. * For each alternative, you need to give factors in its favour and the reasons for your rejection, in other words, the pros and cons of each alternative. As you analyze each alternative, keep in mind the risk factor(s) you identified for the issue. * Remember that alternatives and the arguments you make for it must address the issue you have defined.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
The Stylistic Analysis of ââ¬Åthe Supreme Illusionââ¬Â by Arnold Bennette
The Stylistic Analysis of The Supreme Illusion by Arnold Bennette Id like to hypothesise upon Arnold Bennette and iodine of his works. Arnorld Bennette is a British novelist, shoo-inwright, critic, essayist and journalist. His first published novel was The Man From The North. This was followed by Anna of The quin Towns, The Old Wives Tale, Clayhanger, The Card and Hilda Lessways. Bennette is credited with more than 80 books and during the 1920s was considered among the leaders of English literature.And now Id like to analyse a tragic tale from The Matodor of the Five Towns which is called The Supreme Illusion. As for the title, its a topical one. This text is about one of mans disillusions and this suitable title helps us to understand the contents of the story, which deals with such themes as art, theatre and famous people and their satisfied ambitions. According to its form, its a short story in 2 parts. A teller comes to Paris for the production of Notre-Dame de la Lune hard ly at the hotel an ugly muliebrity upsets his arrival.He meets his friend pip-squeak Boissy and they talk about Minors c areeras a playwright. Boissy tells about his leading actress Blanche and the narrator believes that shes a young and pretty woman but in fact Blanche is just that woman whom he met having arrived at the hotel. In the plot body structure theres exposition where we make the acquaintance of the characters and Minor tells about his life and Blanche climax, where the narrator expects Blanche to be magnificent, and denouement his disappointment.It seems to me that the message of the story can be formulated as a proverb If you extremity no disappointment, dont indulge in illusions The reason uses some stylistic means to piddle the atmosphere and to convey it to the reader flashback- to explain the reader the reason of the narrators state of arouse annoyance here we can see a broad number of epithets describing French hotels (reasonable little hotel, haughtily-man aged hotels, a magnificent porter) detachments (humiliated and helpless, her eyes were hard-hard) and parantheses (which we all know, and whose throw we all give in confidence to all our friends).The narrators annoyance is showed even with the help of elliptical sentences (But no ) and it also should be noted that they are with exclamatory marks. Later the narrator calms down and to prove it the author uses antithesis (a disagreeable excitement changes into an agreeable one). The author uses direct and indirect methods of characterization to describe his characters, thats why we can judge about his emplacement to them through his descriptions.To show how unpleasant and stout the woman is numerous epithets are found (barbaric and repulsive creature, umbrage hag, odious creature), climax (a savagely-dressed, ugly and ageing woman) simile (her automobile as large as a railway carriage) inversion (pretty she could never have been) and of course irony (if she had been young and pretty , she would have had the right to be rude and domineering). But for Boissy Minor shes different he admires her, he always desires to satisfy her ambitions.Shes the sense of his life (its proved by anadiplosis its the woman, its the woman who.. ) but hes a rather realistic person (Dont expect too much) despite hes a prominent and soaked man (metonymy all the walls of Paris were shouting his name climax Octave Boissy was a very wealthy man, he even looked a very wealthy man metaphor one of the darlings of success epithet of an absurdly luxurious civilazation).Hes unpretending and always says simply (the fact is Im neurasthenic) although his disease hurts him (epithet a morbid horror of walking) and physical exertion of exclamatory sentences (I couldnt.. I couldnt.. ) but he tries to show it (antithesis at once comic and tragic smile) as he laughs a lot. By his own words he explains his choice. Theres a great number of anadiploses (its not a question.. , that was my sole reason.. , its the woman, his life consisted in one thing only) I like Arnold Bennettes style of writing.It goes without saying that his language is stylistically coloured, he dead mixes formal, informal and harsh words (offensive hag, to deign, monstrosities, barbaric creature). Sometimes they are useful to express the narrators disgust , sometimes delight but always to intensify desired effect. The topis of this story is vital and essential and upon the theme of illusion and its aftermath weve speculated last time talking about the John Boyton Priestleys play entitled The Dangerous Corner.
Tree Plantation
Man has been closely related with the nature since the d have of civilization. Nature is helpful for wholly adult male beings. Nature abounds with trees. Trees atomic number 18 one of the best gifts of nature. As the civilization proceeds towards development, valuable nature assets are also getting damaged day by day. So it is the ease with trees. Now the ecological labyrinthine sense is distri anded and the life becomes difficult. Our life and existence on earth greatly depends on trees. So we should install trees through and through an existence expedition and maintain our ecological balance smooth. The first and foremost thing we get from trees is oxygen.We exhort oxygen from air, which are provided by trees. Trees maintain the climate and the weather of a country. They help causing rainwater and save our country from destruction. Trees save our land from erosion and make it fertile. We get our major food labor from trees we get our clothing material from trees. We also g et some building materials from trees. Rural ho white plagues are in the main made by trees indirectly. We get furniture from trees which are provided by trees. Besides we get many kinds of medicines from trees. In real sense trees give us many things that we can not even count.In a matter of great regret the destruction of trees is common in Bangladesh. Our people cut trees at random. We use embeds in the time of need but we can not plant more, which is greatly needed for for existence. Trees are the raw material of many industries, so it is widely used. People use trees as fuel in their kitchen, brick fields. They also cut them to make new houses. It is a great threat to our healthy atmosphere and our environment. The ratio of cutting and planting trees is very much different. We cut more but plant less. We have to plant more and more to prevent ourselves from natural disasters.Tress can be planted almost all the year but rainy season is the appropriate time to plant trees. Eac h and everybody should be conscious(p) about that utility of trees and should take part in tree plantation. Where we get vacant places in our house, office, schools, colleges, hospitals we should plant them. Or we can plant them on the sides of the roads or any available spaces with a spate to provide shade. There are so many nurseries where we can get various kinds of trees and seeds at a minimum cost. It is hopeful that our government launches tree plantation expedition and arrange tree plantation week in a year.Our united effort can make their program successful. The middle east countries encounter their requirement of fruit, food and vegetables importing them from Bangladesh. We also earn a lot of foreign exchange by exporting barks venoms of snakes, some medicinal fruits from our forest. The trees are our lifelong friend and become a part and helping in our national life. It is our burden duty and responsibility to plant trees not only plantation but also proper care shoul d be ensured. Finally tree plantation is a most for our own betterment.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Thomas Hobbes Natural Right Theory and the State, Social Contract and Method of Inquiry
NATURAL RIGHTS THEORIES doubting doubting doubting Thomas HOBBES DOCTRINE OF NATURAL LAW, NATURAL RIGHTS AND THE STATE Submission Date 22/03/2013 Student ID 201105385 Kofiya Willie INTRODUCTION In contradiction with the great philosophers Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas, Thomas Hobbes philosophy of subjective redresss is a scientific research implant emphasis on the rise of negativity in the theory of the uncorrupted music inherent justness. In his doctrine, Hobbes rejects immanent police force as a style of calm attainment in variant governmental communities.This pen seeks to give a detai conduct outline of Hobbess doctrine of inseparable right, inherent rights and the claim. In description of these detailed writings, I sh in all told(prenominal) also attract an outline description of Hobbes manner of inquiry to his study. In closedown to this writing, Hobbes social urge on shall be covered in detail to flip a closing to this diachronic phenomenon. In his opening arguments in support of the new phenomenon of new inbred rights, Hobbes insisted that gracious beings are building complex machines influenced by their environmental conditions and prevailing situations.He puts this argument forward as an fall upon to the unequivocal visual modality of raw(a) law of Aristotle and Aquinas which pref geological erably sees man as a wise and social animal who has a internal inclination to his proper end, happiness which hobo be deliver the goods by the virtues of mind and caseful. Hobbes argues that man have perpetually and im dispel al ship canal be war-ridden and thitherfore go out always strive to attain some form of leadership or semipolitical big businessman in all possible ways available to them (Hobbes, 2004). He mentions that human beings are selfish anti-social beings who are in pursuit to serve their selfish desires, particularly power.The second argument outlined by Thomas Hobbes in rejection to the authoritati ve native law theory is that human beings are motivated by vanity in a serious music innate law assert. Thus meaning, in graphic law state separates has a mind of superiority based on their knowledge over opposites. He exemplifies this regard by the olden ways of living where kings or monarchs ruled on the basis of higher power to gain majority deference from the people. This check to Hobbes theory of natural rights was undermining of political authority (Kraynak, 1990).He because collectable to this ground opted for a quite fair system of the modern human/natural rights. concord to Thomas Hobbes, the weakness in the classical natural law doctrine of Aristotle and Aquinas is that, unlike the modern natural rights doctrine, it is easily exploited. This was the primary beat of the English civil war in Behemoth in 1642-60. This tally to Hobbes was a dissolving agent of world-beater Charles being overthrown by the parliamentarians who claimed to have had higher knowled ge on natural law.Hobbes sums the lesson from the Behemoth war by making a statement that if higher laws are non equated with intangible as designate goods like virtue, wisdom and redemption then the ills of civilization can be avoided and mankind can make merry enduring civil peace (Hobbes, 2004). Thus Hobbes proposed his new doctrine of natural rights to building a amend state. In his newly found doctrine of natural rights, Hobbes emphasizes that unlike the classical natural law doctrine, modern rights are not an legerdemain put forward by the classical theorists of natural law. Natural law is the greatest good by virtues of the perfections of mind and char sufficeer (Hobbes, 2004). This flightiness put forward by the classical theorists of natural law is a dangerous and falsified statement according to Hobbes. He associated this with the then overthrowing of King Charles. He at that placefore defines modern natural rights doctrine as the only solution to civilization to avoid the dangers that result with natural law doctrine. In his closing arguments, Hobbes proposed a new definition of natural rights which gained vast acceptance worldwide.He emphasizes the natural equality of all mankind in his new definition of natural rights. Hobbes therefore defines natural law as right or liberty to preserve oneself, this according to Hobbes endures the fundamental right of self-preservation. In compilation to these facts slightly natural rights and the sovereign state, Hobbes used various order actings. Hobbes adopted various systems in the spot of geometry, physics and mathematics. This he verbalise as a way to legitimize his doctrine through geometrical and scientific proof (Tuck, 1996).The reason behind Thomas Hobbes science of political science was to resolve political conflicts which had led his countrymen to war in the era of King Charles (Behemoth Civil war of 1642). His belief was that if politicians came to an agreement in political matters, t hen peace pull up stakes be succeed. Hobbes primary aim to his science of political sympathies was to end the political confusions and the misfortunes that came with the classical natural law doctrine of Aristotle and Aquinas to establish an enduring state of peace.Unlike other scholars of hi time, Hobbes believed that knowledge is not attained by being submissive to authority, but rather employing an objective method. He believed that such(prenominal) a method avoided conflicts which came about from political speculation and subjective interpretation. Hobbes save never explained his method/s of inquiry to his political research. According to philosophy scholars, Hobbes used a method that they called a Resolutive-Composite method.What this method of inquiry used by Hobbes entails that for one to understand a given subject, they should first conduct an mental mensuration by tread process of resolving it into different parts. By doing so, this enables the subjects to be fully e xamined and make specific conclusions in the subjects without omitting relating information, indeed Hobbes adopted this method to his political science study. After the fortitude process, the subjects will then be re-composed into a whole again. Hobbes believed in doing so (resolving and recomposing a subject), one is able to image its inwrought qualities (Kraynak, 1990).In his science of politics and study of natural law and the sovereign, he used the method of resolution and re-composition of his study objects. In coition to this, Hobbes first started by resolving his state to its different parts, (that is human beings). He further resolved the human beings into different parts (the motions and the natural body), then resolved this in their different parts (abstract figures). After this resolution, Hobbes re-composed his subjects step by step until he finally came to an examination of political bodies and the natural law doctrine.To demonstrate his philosophic proofs of his science of politics, Hobbes focused on the field of Geometry and physics to understanding human motion and their natural body. He composed a number of geometric figures and then drew conclusions about them. Thomas Hobbes achieved these by employ geometric definitions such as space, time, and bodies in motion which he think to the fleshly world of politics and human sensation. He thus proposed his doctrine of natural rights based on his scientific proofs through geometry and physical science (physics).In addition to his come acrossings in philosophy and political science, Hobbes gives an insight on his ideal social twitch of the sovereign. Hobbes ideal social slim entails that it is by far most keen-witted to give up part of individuals liberty in order to gain shelter of self-preservation. According to Thomas Hobbes, there are political bodies in a state that governs and ensures the security of these liberties. such(prenominal) political bodies may embarrass the constitutio n of the sovereign and its other statutes in relation to the protection of individual liberties i. e. courts of law (Tuck, 1996).He defines social contract as a mutual agreement betwixt participating bodies to inversely transfer their natural rights. What this means is that individuals in the state come to an agreement to abide by the set rules of political bodies as a means of peace attainment. He emphasizes that without these social rules, life would be solitary, nasty, stolid and short. This notion therefore leads to an instance of particular natural rights. Hobbes notes that at times we are/can be born to find a readymade contract for us to agree on, therefore individuals do not have absolute powers to act outside the limitations of such contracts.Such contract may include the constitution of the state. Hobbess social contract has its outer(prenominal) emphasis on natural equality, scarcity, equality of human power and limited altruism. He says this contract does not howeve r concern the sovereign but rather its subjects (the people). In conformation to Hobbes, there will be injustice if these subjects fail to abide by their contract. That is to say, if one person violates the rights of the other within the sovereign then that will be injustice to the other subject.In a different view on the issue of natural equality, Hobbes states that inequality is the reason behind the English civil war. He makes an emphasis to say that man must(prenominal) recognize each other as equal so as to avoid a state of war which is a result of inequality. In addition, Hobbes identifies scarcity as other cipher that influences man to go to war with each other. According to Hobbes, when there is limited supply of essential needs such as shelter, food and clothing this can trigger conflicts and competition to access such needs, which will eventually adjourn into a war.When a social contract is drawn to how these needs will be accessed equally between the states subjects, then civil wars will be avoided in the sovereign. Hobbes states that if every subject in the sovereign is made aware of these essential needs and the legitimate ways of acquiring them, then there will be no injustice. Another complex factor that Hobbes notes is the issue of equality of human power. According to Hobbes, only a few acquire power in the notion of representing the majority i. e. political leaders.He says that, however in the long run this power cannot be sustained as some become more(prenominal) advantageous to others i. e. political leaders have more advantage as leaders, than the majority of the people. This then according to Hobbes creates a situation where everyone is at war against everyone else for the same scarce resource. Lastly, Thomas Hobbes mentions the need for motivational state with the primary goal of increasing another persons well-being (altruism). In a rather opposite view, Thomas Hobbes states limited altruism as one factor among others that also affects the well-being of the sovereign.He believes that for this to incline in a state, we can only rely on the commodity and compassion of strangers since by disposition human beings will rarely have compassion towards each other. This chiefly results from the limited nature of how selfless human beings are. In the absence of a social order, all these factors will create major problems. To stay fresh that from happening, Hobbes denotes that it is only possible if an individual seeks to avoid the state of nature of the classical theorists Aristotle and Aquinas and the war of all against all.This can only be achieved if all individuals come to a mutual agreement to protect the rights of one another this according to Hobbes will breed a fruitful ground for cooperation both in the social and economic manner. Conclusion Hobbes rejects the natural law doctrine of philosophers Aristotle a Thomas Aquinas as a measure to avoid civil wars/conflicts. He rather sees it pair to adopt a more favorable means of governance as he proposed (modern natural rights) in his doctrine of natural rights.In his inquiries to his doctrine, he used a method most scholars called resolutive-composite form, this was due to how he canvas his subjects of research. He presented his findings in a scientific manner making reference to geometry and physics. In his social contract he noted scarcity, natural equality, human power and altruism as major factors that influenced the well-being of the sovereign. Hobbes doctrine has attracted vast acceptance in the world at large, though it was highly criticized by most philosophers as being based on morality. Bibliography historical philosophers. (2006, 6 18). Retrieved 3 17, 2013, fromThomas Hobbes Natural Right Theory and the State, Social Contract and mode of InquiryNATURAL RIGHTS THEORIES THOMAS HOBBES DOCTRINE OF NATURAL LAW, NATURAL RIGHTS AND THE STATE Submission Date 22/03/2013 Student ID 201105385 Kofiya Willie INTRODUCTION In contr adiction with the great philosophers Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas, Thomas Hobbes doctrine of natural rights is a scientific research based emphasis on the rise of negativity in the theory of the classical natural law. In his doctrine, Hobbes rejects natural law as a means of peace attainment in different political communities.This writing seeks to give a detailed outline of Hobbess doctrine of natural law, natural rights and the state. In description of these detailed writings, I shall also make an outline description of Hobbes method of inquiry to his study. In conclusion to this writing, Hobbes social contract shall be covered in detail to make a closing to this historical phenomenon. In his opening arguments in support of the new phenomenon of modern natural rights, Hobbes insisted that human beings are complex machines influenced by their environmental conditions and prevailing situations.He puts this argument forward as an attack to the classical view of natural law of Aristotl e and Aquinas which rather sees man as a rational and social animal who has a natural inclination to his proper end, happiness which can be attained by the virtues of mind and character. Hobbes argues that man have always and will always be competitive and therefore will always strive to attain some form of leadership or political power in all possible ways available to them (Hobbes, 2004). He mentions that humans are selfish anti-social beings who are in pursuit to serve their selfish desires, particularly power.The second argument outlined by Thomas Hobbes in rejection to the classical natural law theory is that human beings are motivated by vanity in a classical natural law state. Thus meaning, in natural law state individuals has a sense of superiority based on their knowledge over others. He exemplifies this view by the olden ways of living where kings or monarchs ruled on the basis of higher power to gain majority obedience from the people. This according to Hobbes theory of n atural rights was undermining of political authority (Kraynak, 1990).He therefore due to this reason opted for a rather fair system of the modern human/natural rights. According to Thomas Hobbes, the weakness in the classical natural law doctrine of Aristotle and Aquinas is that, unlike the modern natural rights doctrine, it is easily exploited. This was the primary cause of the English civil war in Behemoth in 1642-60. This according to Hobbes was a result of King Charles being overthrown by the parliamentarians who claimed to have had higher knowledge on natural law.Hobbes sums the lesson from the Behemoth war by making a statement that if higher laws are not equated with intangible goods like virtue, wisdom and salvation then the ills of civilization can be avoided and mankind can enjoy enduring civil peace (Hobbes, 2004). Thus Hobbes proposed his new doctrine of natural rights to building a better state. In his newly found doctrine of natural rights, Hobbes emphasizes that unlik e the classical natural law doctrine, modern rights are not an illusion put forward by the classical theorists of natural law. Natural law is the greatest good by virtues of the perfections of mind and character (Hobbes, 2004). This notion put forward by the classical theorists of natural law is a dangerous and falsified statement according to Hobbes. He associated this with the then overthrowing of King Charles. He therefore defines modern natural rights doctrine as the only solution to civilization to avoid the dangers that result with natural law doctrine. In his closing arguments, Hobbes proposed a new definition of natural rights which gained vast acceptance worldwide.He emphasizes the natural equality of all mankind in his new definition of natural rights. Hobbes therefore defines natural law as right or liberty to preserve oneself, this according to Hobbes endures the fundamental right of self-preservation. In compilation to these facts about natural rights and the sovereign state, Hobbes used various methods. Hobbes adopted various methods in the field of geometry, physics and mathematics. This he stated as a way to legitimize his doctrine through geometric and scientific proof (Tuck, 1996).The reason behind Thomas Hobbes science of politics was to resolve political conflicts which had led his countrymen to war in the era of King Charles (Behemoth Civil war of 1642). His belief was that if politicians came to an agreement in political matters, then peace will be attained. Hobbes primary aim to his science of politics was to end the political confusions and the misfortunes that came with the classical natural law doctrine of Aristotle and Aquinas to establish an enduring state of peace.Unlike other scholars of hi time, Hobbes believed that knowledge is not attained by being submissive to authority, but rather employing an objective method. He believed that such a method avoided conflicts which came about from political speculation and subjective interpr etation. Hobbes however never explained his method/s of inquiry to his political research. According to philosophy scholars, Hobbes used a method that they called a Resolutive-Composite method.What this method of inquiry used by Hobbes entails that for one to understand a given subject, they should first conduct an intellectual step by step process of resolving it into different parts. By doing so, this enables the subjects to be fully examined and make specific conclusions in the subjects without omitting relating information, thus Hobbes adopted this method to his political science study. After the resolution process, the subjects will then be re-composed into a whole again. Hobbes believed in doing so (resolving and recomposing a subject), one is able to discover its essential qualities (Kraynak, 1990).In his science of politics and study of natural law and the sovereign, he used the method of resolution and re-composition of his study objects. In relation to this, Hobbes first s tarted by resolving his state to its different parts, (that is human beings). He further resolved the human beings into different parts (the motions and the natural body), then resolved this in their different parts (abstract figures). After this resolution, Hobbes re-composed his subjects step by step until he finally came to an examination of political bodies and the natural law doctrine.To demonstrate his philosophical proofs of his science of politics, Hobbes focused on the field of Geometry and physics to understanding human motion and their natural body. He composed a number of geometric figures and then drew conclusions about them. Thomas Hobbes achieved these by using geometric definitions such as space, time, and bodies in motion which he linked to the physical world of politics and human sensation. He thus proposed his doctrine of natural rights based on his scientific proofs through geometry and physical science (physics).In addition to his findings in philosophy and poli tical science, Hobbes gives an insight on his ideal social contract of the sovereign. Hobbes ideal social contract entails that it is by far most rational to give up part of individuals liberty in order to gain security of self-preservation. According to Thomas Hobbes, there are political bodies in a state that governs and ensures the security of these liberties. Such political bodies may include the constitution of the sovereign and its other statutes in relation to the protection of individual liberties i. e. courts of law (Tuck, 1996).He defines social contract as a mutual agreement between participating bodies to mutually transfer their natural rights. What this means is that individuals in the state come to an agreement to abide by the set rules of political bodies as a means of peace attainment. He emphasizes that without these social rules, life would be solitary, nasty, brutish and short. This notion therefore leads to an instance of limited natural rights. Hobbes notes that at times we are/can be born to find a readymade contract for us to agree on, therefore individuals do not have absolute powers to act outside the limitations of such contracts.Such contract may include the constitution of the state. Hobbess social contract has its outmost emphasis on natural equality, scarcity, equality of human power and limited altruism. He says this contract does not however concern the sovereign but rather its subjects (the people). In accordance to Hobbes, there will be injustice if these subjects fail to abide by their contract. That is to say, if one person violates the rights of the other within the sovereign then that will be injustice to the other subject.In a different view on the issue of natural equality, Hobbes states that inequality is the reason behind the English civil war. He makes an emphasis to say that man must recognize each other as equal so as to avoid a state of war which is a result of inequality. In addition, Hobbes identifies scarcity as another factor that influences man to go to war with each other. According to Hobbes, when there is limited supply of essential needs such as shelter, food and clothing this can trigger conflicts and competition to access such needs, which will eventually break into a war.When a social contract is drawn to how these needs will be accessed equally between the states subjects, then civil wars will be avoided in the sovereign. Hobbes states that if every subject in the sovereign is made aware of these essential needs and the legitimate ways of acquiring them, then there will be no injustice. Another complex factor that Hobbes notes is the issue of equality of human power. According to Hobbes, only a few acquire power in the notion of representing the majority i. e. political leaders.He says that, however in the long run this power cannot be sustained as some become more advantageous to others i. e. political leaders have more advantage as leaders, than the majority of the people. This then according to Hobbes creates a situation where everyone is at war against everyone else for the same scarce resource. Lastly, Thomas Hobbes mentions the need for motivational state with the primary goal of increasing another persons welfare (altruism). In a rather opposite view, Thomas Hobbes states limited altruism as one factor among others that also affects the well-being of the sovereign.He believes that for this to work in a state, we can only rely on the goodness and compassion of strangers since by nature human beings will rarely have compassion towards each other. This mainly results from the limited nature of how altruistic human beings are. In the absence of a social order, all these factors will create major problems. To prevent that from happening, Hobbes denotes that it is only possible if an individual seeks to avoid the state of nature of the classical theorists Aristotle and Aquinas and the war of all against all.This can only be achieved if all individuals come to a mutual agreement to withhold the rights of one another this according to Hobbes will breed a fertile ground for cooperation both in the social and economic manner. Conclusion Hobbes rejects the natural law doctrine of philosophers Aristotle a Thomas Aquinas as a measure to avoid civil wars/conflicts. He rather sees it fit to adopt a more favorable means of governance as he proposed (modern natural rights) in his doctrine of natural rights.In his inquiries to his doctrine, he used a method most scholars called resolutive-composite form, this was due to how he studied his subjects of research. He presented his findings in a scientific manner making reference to geometry and physics. In his social contract he noted scarcity, natural equality, human power and altruism as major factors that influenced the well-being of the sovereign. Hobbes doctrine has attracted vast acceptance in the world at large, though it was highly criticized by most philosophers as being based on morality. Bibliography historical philosophers. (2006, 6 18). Retrieved 3 17, 2013, from
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